Underworld Characters and Places

In pairs, you have to llok for some information about this places or characters and write a summary to explain what you have learnt to your classmates.

Hades and the Underworld

Hades was the ruler of the underworld, which he ruled with his bride Persephone, Demeter's daughter. Guarded by Cerberus, a three-headed dog, the underworld was separated from the land of the living by five rivers. One of these was the Styx, across which the dead were ferried. Three judges decided the fate of souls: heroes went to the Elysian Fields, evildoers to Tartarus. The Underworld itself was sometimes called Hades, and it still is today. 

Hades was one of the children of Cronus and Rhea, and was swallowed by Cronus when he learned one of his children would usurp him. When Zeus tricked Cronus into expelling Hades from his body, Zeus and Hades joined with the other children to overthrow Cronus. 

Hades was assigned the Underworld after the division of power among himself, Zeus, and Poseidon. Since Hades was always in the Underworld, he did not sit with the other gods in Olympus. In fact, Hades was not allowed to visit Olympus.


1- Do this Quiz about the text below.